- please reference Registration Doc that is same
2. also login doc that is same too.
3. Also Doc for Social Login
The process of registration and login: the international endpoint collects the data, makes an internal request to the main endpoint and returns result, that means if the local server is not live, the registration and login will not proceed.
endpoint for registration: https://i.ogwugo.com/api/v2/app/registration/user
same follows for login and social login.
that means facebook endpoint here will be:
LOGIN/REGISTRATION (both social login/registration) [doc arguments version1 & 2 + ] --- that means check MAIN API version 1 & 2 for the data to post including the ones listed here... endpoint might be https://i.ogwugo.com/api/v2/app/auth (for login) cart_id int (required) platform (ENUM(web,android,ios)) domain international required (you must post domain = international)