Handed cart by yourself?
This Endpoint is not supported. use the APi to handled your cart. else. you will try this.
CHECKOUT [authenticated]: [POST] [GET SHIPPING COMPANY*GET Delivery Time* GET Payment Methods * calculate shipping fee] path:
All paremters user_id int req shipping_address int shipping_fee double req total_amount double req user_new_address boolean(true(1),false(0)) reg payment_method int reg delivery_time int reg shipping_company int req cart_item [] (product_id(int), qunatity(int),attributes(string)) req note: for billing_address,shipping_company, payment_method,shipping_address user have defaults in profile, can be used to set form defaults selection at checkout.. data type: x-www-form-urlencoded. if user_new_address == true, we collect the adress inputed by the user at chackout if we are having new address from user.. default adress negleted, we have no express chekout on mobile title str [title of adress eg my house] address str reg city int reg phone str reg latitude str longitude str coupon str [default 0] reg RESPONSE RETURN INVOICE ID: { "data": [ { "invoice_id": "1", "user_id": "ogwugo", } ], "status": "success", "message": "", "error": { "detail": "", "code": "202" } } the list bellow does not change, you can store locally... also available singly here: List payment Method path: /checkout_data/payment List delivery time path: /checkout_data/time List shipping company path: /checkout_data/company