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  5. Seller Auto Logins: Token Based

Seller Auto Logins: Token Based

there is auto login everywhere, eg, if a user from dashboard want to enter ogwugo international, food or seller dashboard where he has a role..

Auto Login to store Seller..

the response that return user stores is as follows

"seller_id": 1,
"buyer_id": 1,
"store": 1,
"web_users_username": "core",
"store_id": 1,
"seller_id_encode": "PrQphV98lF9045gi0i5g4bC6cPrQphV98",
"store_id_encode": "poOPe78bNGEfkLjK1OkLnbCaBpoOPe78b",
"store_name": "Ogwugo Stores",
"store_logo_url": "UPLOADS/stores/images/1508143606_logo_ogwugoStore-Logos.png",
"store_url": "O",
"store_form": 4,
"store_is_food": 0,
"store_domain": "local",
"auto_login_url": "http://localhost/ogwugo/SELLER/welcome"
every user has his stores listed, if he wants to login to seller dashboard he do so via this token based seller authentication API
// redirect the user to the endpoint in seller dashboard..

the auto login url is the seller login, to auto log the user in redirect the user to the auto login url with the following parameters:


DATA Data. (from response)  Detail
seller_id seller_id_encode req.
store_id store_id_encode req.
user_id buyer_id_encode req
user_token (every user has a token after authentication.) req
auto_login 1 (tell the server you want to attempt auto logon) req


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